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我的小小签经(SH, Jun 9)
文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-05-22 字体: [ ]

今天起了个大早,不过因为昨晚没睡好,两个黑眼圈肿得跟熊猫似的 可惜百密一疏,照片不符合规定,只好冲出去重拍,于是从48号变成了143号 等到被叫到的时候已经饿得快晕倒了

VO: Where will you go in the USA? (so fast, ft~) 
Me: ??? 
VO: (once again) 
Me: Pardon? I didn't hear you clearly. 
VO: (1显然开始不耐烦了,于是我的心就这样渐渐沉了下去) 
Where ~ Will ~ You ~ Go ~ In ~ The ~ USA? 
Me: (o!) I'm sorry, I will go to the University of Chicago. 
VO: Good! Do you like baseball? 
Me: (?) No! 
VO: So which sport do you like? 
Me: ^_^ Ja! Basketball. 
VO: Who is your favourite basketball player? (smile, seems to be mysterious) 
Me: Jordan! 
VO: O! See! 
VO: What will you study there? 
Me: I'll study Physical Chemistry. 
VO: Wait for a minute! (后来我才知道她可能找不到我的材料) 
VO: Could you explain it more specifically? 
Me: Physical Chemistry is a subject that you get to know the inner nature of chemical substances. 
VO: Your resume? And your future advisor? 
Me: OK. It's (the materials of my future advisor) sent to me from the University of Chicago. 
VO: (看了一眼,在resume上的研究经历部分勾了一下) What's your plan after graduation? 
Me: Ja of course I'll come back to China and find myself a post in the Chemical Industry. I want to be a senior researcher. 
VO: (happy, writes something in my resume: Chemical Industry) 
VO: I think you qualify the visa. But there's still some problem: I can't find your information in my computer. You can come here to get your visa on another weekday. Perhaps tomorrow. 
Me: So, I can come here to get my visa tomorrow? 
VO: Yes. And you don't need an interview appointment nor do you need to pay the application fee again. 
Me: ^^ Thank you very much! Have a nice day! 
出来才知道原来是SEVIS down了,不过再去一趟就去吧,也没什么大不了的啦! 今天的情形总的来说还是不错的,不过我也有看到f1被拒的,check的也有 祝愿大家好运吧 最后,感谢所有曾经支持和帮助我的人,特别感谢jeudi、ebb、wzwcat。。。 祝愿Team 5的朋友们早日如愿以偿! Many Thanks!

作者: kunchong

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